Tag Archive for: KNX

Futuro Proyecto, Villa de lujo en Barranco del Inglés, Tenerife

Futuro Proyecto Villa de lujo Barranco del Inglés en Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Para el presente año 2020, Indótica, empresa especializada en domótica e Inmótica localizada en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, tiene previsto iniciar un nuevo proyecto de puesta en marcha de un sistema KNX de control de Domótica en una Villa de lujo en Barranco del Inglés, Tenerife.

Dedicaremos todo nuestros esfuerzos para utilizar al máximo nuestras técnicas orientadas a la automatización de la vivienda y adaptarla a las necesidades de nuestro cliente.

En este Futuro Proyecto Villa de Lujo aportamos a nuestro cliente, controles de persianas, gestión de iluminación de exteriores y estancias, permisos de accesos, sistema de seguridad, control climatización  y de este modo poder ofrecerle el máximo confort y bienestar en su villa. Sin dejar de lado la integración de todo el sistema KNX en cada uno de los detalles de la instalación mediante pantallas táctiles, alumbrado, multipulsadores, sistema de audiovisual, sala de máquina, y etc..

Disponiendo de acceso remoto a la vivienda desde cualquier lugar, vía web o aplicación móvil y de este modo conseguir que la casa ya no es un sitio aislado, posibilitando interactuar con ella por teléfono, activando la calefacción a distancia , controlando la seguridad de la misma, visualizando su estado por Internet.

Un aspecto a destacar es la integración del ahorro energético con el control de temperatura por termostato digital por zonas es posible ahorrar de una manera efectiva en la calefacción sin disminuir el grado de comodidad. El control de espacios comunes (escaleras, pasillos etc.) mediante sensores de presencia para evitar que se queden esas luces indefinidamente encendidas.

Indótica asimismo ofrecerá sus servicios a disposición de todas las disciplinas que integren el nuevo proyecto de Villa de lujo en Barranco del Inglés y de este modo aunar esfuerzos para llegar a la realización de un gran proyecto, garantizando la calidad del mismo y la fusión con el sistema KNX en todos sus aspectos.

Inmótica Planta 3 del Palacio Insular del Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife

Inmótica Planta 3 del Palacio Insular del Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife. Cabildo Tenerife

Instalaciones de control para el alumbrado de las zonas comunes del Palacio Insular del Cabildo de Tenerife, bajo el estándar para el control de edificios KNX. Las iluminación se enciende en función de los horarios y pulsadores distribuidos en estancias. La iluminación del Palacio Insular esta integrada dentro del BMS (Building Management Software) NetX, así se pueden cambiar los horarios, realizar apagados generales, apagados de planta y un sinfín de cosas. Todo esto permite un ahorro de energía considerable y coloca las instalaciones mas cerca de cumplir los objetivos ZEB ( Zero Emisions Building) los cuales son el objetivo principal de este tipo de instalaciones. Este proyecto de Inmótica Planta 3 del Palacio Insular del Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife. Cabildo Tenerife forma parte del ambicioso proyecto de crear edificios que energéticamente sean sostenibles.

Tal y como se realizó en anterior proyecto, en Inmótica iluminación Planta 3 del Palacio Insular del Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife se propone, con este tipo de actuaciones, reducir las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera en la medida de lo posible así como reducir los costes de energía, este tipo de instalaciones además de estos factores aportan el valor añadido de las simplicidad para los equipos de mantenimiento de detectar posibles problemas en las instalaciones. En una segunda Fase de este proyecto Inmótica Planta 3 del Palacio Insular del Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife. Cabildo Tenerife se está haciendo un cambio de la iluminación de fluorescencia a iluminación led reduciendo de esta forma el consumo energético en un 60%, lo que permite que este tipo de actuaciones se amortizan económicamente en plazos reducidos. Al mismo tiempo se han conectado los edificios pertenecientes al cabildo en la red de control creada para este efecto de manera que se puedan controlar los edificios de una manera centralizada. Todo esto es realizado mediante el BMS de Netx Automation.

La instalación Inmótica Planta 3 del Palacio Insular del Excmo. Cabildo de Tenerife. Cabildo Tenerife se ha realizado con las últimas tecnologías en el año 2019, conforme al estándar KNX y al sistema estándar para el control de la iluminación Dali (digital adressable lighting interface). En todos los puntos de iluminación se puede controlar la potencia lumínica de los mismos.

Villa de lujo KNX en Barranco del Inglés Parcela 97, Costa Adeje, Tenerife

Villa de Lujo KNX en Barranco del Inglés Parcela 97, Costa Adeje, Tenerife

El proyecto de domótica KNX de Villa de Lujo realizado en Barranco el Inglés Parcela 97, en Cota Adeje, tiene un control de iluminación, que ha incluido apagado y encendidos de luces en las diferentes estancias de la residencia. Control lumínico de varios puntos mediante la creación de escenas, que concede al usuario definir ajustes de escenas que permiten iluminar un área en base a las necesidades de iluminación y actividades que se realizan en ella. Sistema de apagados automáticos para optimizar el consumo de energía. Encendidos inteligentes de las zonas comunes. Encendidos automáticos de las zonas exteriores en función de la hora y la luminosidad.

La instalación se ha realizado con las últimas tecnologías en el año 2019, conforme al estándar KNX y al sistema estándar para el control de la iluminación Dali (digital adressable lighting interface). En todos los puntos de iluminación se puede controlar la potencia lumínica de los mismos de la villa de lujo KNX.

Además se ha instalado un control de persianas , que suben y bajan la persianas según la necesidades del usuario, cortinas y estores. Por ejemplo, se ha programado que cuando se vaya de la residencia, todas las persianas se cerrarán automáticamente.

Los sistemas en la villa de lujo KNX se pueden controlar desde un móvil, permitiendo al usuario poder controlar todas la funciones desde cualquier sitio.

Sistema de control para la recirculación del agua caliente sanitaria el cual se pone en marcha en función de la presencia detectada en las zonas húmedas, de la Vivienda de lujo KNX.

Sistema de control de accesos.

Sistema de control de la piscina. El sistema controla la climatización de la piscina, cañón spa para cervicales y el filtrado del agua, pudiendo asignar un periodo horario del filtrado además de observar mediante gráfica la marcha de bomba.

Sistema de control del riego. En la Villa de lujo KNX se encuentran distribuidas hasta cuatro zonas de riego las cuales el propietario y/o personal de mantenimiento puede asignar horarios por separado conjuntamente de observar su periodicidad mediante gráfica.

Dispone de estación meteorológica instalada en el exterior. La estación meteorológica permite medir y evaluar la velocidad del viento, las precipitaciones, el crepúsculo, la temperatura, altitud y posición del sol.

Sistema de control del aire acondicionado. El aire acondicionado se controla desde la aplicación así como desde las pantallas táctiles distribuidas por la vivienda de lujo KNX.

Desde el sistema de domótica, se puede controlar todo el sistema multiroom de audio.

Arquitectura by ??

Fotografía by??

Cuadro Control Cargas Eléctricas en Villa KNX

Cuadro Control para Cargas eléctricas en Villa KNX en Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Indótica integra cuadro de Mando, Control y Gestión de cargas eléctricas en Villa KNX. El cuadro será una parte fundamental del correcto control de los elementos eléctricos tales como cargadores de vehículos eléctricos, control de temperatura, gestión de todos los componentes que se encuentran dentro del diagrama de principio hidráulico.

Disponiendo de Scada de diagrama de principio hidráulico donde poder controlar y supervisar en tiempo real el filtrado piscina, calefacción piscina, althermas, bombas de primario y secundario de los circuitos de calefacción y agua caliente sanitaria, válvulas proporcionales y así como todos los  puntos de temperatura necesarios.

Para poder cubrir todo el abanico de dispositivos a controlar, el cuadro esta diseñado para comunicar con protocolos Bacnet, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, KNX, etc.

Realizando desconexión y conexión selectiva de cargas eléctricas, abaratando el recibo de la electricidad.

Programación de la puesta en marcha de las cargas cuando se aplica la tarifa más barata o cuando hay una generación de energía fotovoltaica adecuada para cubrir la necesidad.

Sistema de control integrado en la visualización móvil de la vivienda.



Villa 101 – Adeje, Tenerife, Domotics Canary Islands. Nominated KNX Awards 2022

Villa 101 – Adeje, Tenerife, Domotics Canary Islands. Nominated KNX Awards 2022

Installation of KNX Domotics in a luxury home in a luxury villa in Barranco del Inglés, located in the municipality of Adeje, on the island of Tenerife. The home automation installation has been carried out as usual by Indótica using the only worldwide standard in home and building automation. All this has been carried out by means of KNX multipush buttons and touch screens using the same protocol. This allows a multitude of manufacturers that speak this protocol to coexist in the installation, which translates directly into versatility and stability of installations.

The installation of the Villa 101 – Adeje, Tenerife, Domotica Islas Canarias has been realised with the latest technologies in 2022, according to the KNX standard and the Dali standard system for lighting control.

The KNX multipushbuttons in the chalet allow the recording of scenes in themselves, thus making it easier to control the multitude of switch-on and switch-off times in the house. This is very pleasant and avoids those walls full of switches where you have to make a thousand combinations to reach the desired settings.

All blinds are also controlled by KNX home automation, which provide privacy and optimal sun control. The control system is connected to the weather station to be able to protect itself in case of adverse weather conditions.

In different points of the house there are push buttons that allow the execution of scenes, within the scenes are present the scenes of welcome or abandonment of the house in which case all the lights are turned off, the exteriors are turned on, the blinds are closed, etc. To record these scenes is enough to place the house the way you want it to be placed and run the recording from any of the touch screens that are strategically placed in the Villa 101 – Adeje, Tenerife, Domotica Islas Canarias….

La Villa 101 – Adeje, Tenerife, Domotics Canary Islands.focuses on comfort as well as energy savings, energy savings as is common in these installations by preventing lights from being left on accidentally.

La Villa 101 – Adeje, Tenerife, Domotics Canary Islands. has outdoor control by means of presence detectors, it is also possible to establish a schedule control and execution of different scenes, which allows the user to define scene settings that allow illuminating an area based on the lighting needs and activities that take place in it.

It has also been one of the 5 nominees for the KNX Awards, Smart Home Award – Europe, the world’s most prestigious Smart Building award. It is held every two years and this year they have introduced an additional category which is the Peoples Award, this category works by voting, you only have to register but it is very simple. You can vote after registration in a very simple way. The work is Villa 101 Adeje. Vote

Architecture by Jorge Guix Requejo

Photography by Indótica

To see the complete project click here


Luxury home KNX Domotics

Villa 18, Adeje, Domotic Luxury Villa

Installation of KNX Domotics in a luxury home in a luxury villa in Barranco del Inglés, located in the municipality of Adeje, on the island of Tenerife. The home automation installation has been carried out as usual by Indótica using the only worldwide standard in home and building automation. All this has been carried out by means of KNX multipush buttons and touch screens using the same protocol. This allows a multitude of manufacturers that speak this protocol to coexist in the installation, which translates directly into versatility and scalability of installations.

The installation was carried out with the latest technologies in 2019, in accordance with the KNX standard and the standard Dali lighting control system.

The KNX multipushbuttons in the chalet allow the recording of scenes in themselves, thus making it easier to control the multitude of switch-on and switch-off times in the house. This is very pleasant and avoids those walls full of switches where you have to make a thousand combinations to reach the desired settings.

All blinds are also controlled by KNX home automation, providing privacy and optimal sun control.

In different points of the house there are push buttons that allow the execution of scenes, within the scenes are present the scenes of welcome or abandonment of the house in which case all the lights are turned off, the exteriors are turned on, the blinds are closed, etc. To record these scenes it is enough to place the house the way you want it to be placed and run the recording from any of the touch screens that are strategically placed in the Villa de Lujo Barranco del Inglés, Adeje.

The KNX luxury home automation focuses on comfort as well as energy savings, energy savings as is common in these installations by preventing lights from being left on accidentally.

The Luxury Villa in Barranco del Inglés, Adeje has outdoor control by means of presence detectors, it is also possible to establish a schedule control and execution of different scenes, which allows the user to define scene settings that allow lighting an area based on the lighting needs and activities that take place in it.

Architecture by del Pozo Arquitectos

Photography by Maxim Deknock

To see the complete project click here


KNX apartment Santa Cruz de Tenerife

KNX apartment in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

After the realization of a complete renovation of the apartment, a total conversion to KNX home automation system has been carried out in the apartment in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. All existing installations have been monitored at the facility. The lighting system is managed from KNX and behaves in automatic mode depending on the presence in the different rooms of the house, thus optimizing energy consumption. In addition, all the lighting of the apartment in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is controlled by scenes that can be modified using the mobile application by the owner and also remain stored in the buttons of the house so that later calls can be made to them from these buttons.

The installation in Flat in Santa Cruz de Tenerife has been carried out with the latest technologies in 2018, in accordance with the KNX standard and the standard system for dali lighting control. All lighting is dimmable from the cell phone application as well as from the push buttons distributed in the different rooms.

In addition, a shutter control system has been installed in the KNX Santa Cruz Tenerife house, which raises and lowers the shutters according to the user’s needs. For example, it has been programmed that when you leave the residence, all the blinds will close automatically, in addition to many other functions that we perform with the function, integrated in the living, called Leaving home.

The apartment in Santa Cruz de Tenerife has an air conditioning control system. The air conditioning is controlled from the application as well as from the touch screens distributed throughout the house.

The system configuration in the KNX Santa Cruz Tenerife home is done from the cell phone through the web server with a simple and intuitive access. As it is a KNX system, the wiring is minimal compared to a conventional installation and the versatility of the installation is total even after completion of the house.

For more details see the project description at: KNX apartment in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Architecture by JDJ Group

KNX luxury villa in Barranco del Inglés Parcela 66, Costa Adeje, Tenerife

KNX Luxury Villa in Barranco del Inglés Parcela 66, Costa Adeje, Tenerife

The KNX home automation project of the Luxury Villa in Barranco el Inglés Parcel 66, in Cota Adeje, has a lighting control, which has included turning lights on and off in the different rooms of the residence. Multi-point lighting control through the creation of scenes, which allows the user to define scene settings that allow an area to be illuminated based on the lighting needs and activities taking place in the area. Automatic shutdown system to optimize energy consumption. Intelligent lighting of common areas. Automatic lighting of outdoor areas according to time and brightness.

The installation has been realized with the latest technologies in 2018, conforming to the KNX standard and the standard system for lighting control Dali ( digital addressable lighting interface). The lighting power of all lighting points can be controlled from the KNX villa.

In addition, a shutter control system has been installed, which raises and lowers the blinds according to the user’s needs, as well as curtains and blinds. For example, it has been programmed that when you leave the residence, all the blinds will close automatically.

The systems in the KNX luxury villa can be controlled from a cell phone, allowing the user to control all functions from anywhere.

Control system for the recirculation of domestic hot water, which is activated depending on the presence detected in the humid areas.

Access control system.

Pool control system. The system controls the heating of the pool, spa cannon for cervical and water filtration, being able to assign time period of the filtering and also to observe by means of graph of pump operation.

Irrigation control system. Up to four watering zones are distributed in the KNX luxury villa, which the owner and/or maintenance personnel can set up separately and can also observe their periodicity by means of graphs.

It has a weather station installed outside. The weather station allows to measure and evaluate wind speed, precipitation, twilight, temperature, altitude and position of the sun.

Air conditioning control system. The air conditioning is controlled from the application as well as from the touch screens distributed throughout the house.

From the home automation system, the entire audio multiroom system can be controlled.

For more details see the project description at: KNX Luxury Villa in Barranco del Inglés Parcela 66, Costa Adeje, Tenerife.

Architecture by Del Pozo Architects

Photography by Maxim Deknock

KNX home automation in El Sauzal

KNX home automation in El Sauzal

Domotized housing in the area of Sauzal in Tenerife, Canary Islands. All existing installations have been monitored at the facility. The dali lighting system behaves in automatic mode depending on the outside light and the presence in specific areas of the house. In addition, all dali lighting is controlled by scenes that can be modified by the owner through the mobile application and that are stored in the home’s push buttons so that they can later be called from those buttons.

The installation in the KNX home automation system in El Sauzal has been carried out with the latest technologies in 2019, in accordance with the KNX standard and the standard system for lighting control Dalí.

Within the scenes it is possible to choose different intensities of lighting and/or luminaires to be switched on.

The communication between dali and knx is done through knx-dali gateways. All lighting is dimmable from the cell phone application as well as from the push buttons distributed in the different rooms.

The configuration system is done from the cell phone through the Web server with a simple and intuitive access. As it is a KNX system, the wiring is minimal compared to a conventional installation and the versatility of the installation is total even after completion of the house.

In the outdoor area, lighting has been installed, as well as lighting and filtering of the same, with filtering time activation graphs.

Highlight control of different irrigation zones by schedules and graphs of irrigation periods.

The main water inlet in the house has a control system to determine the period in which there will be water supply or not by means of a timetable.

The entire KNX home in El Sauzal has been equipped with an audio system with Bowers & Wilkins loudspeakers.

For more details see the project description at: KNX home automation in El Sauzal

Architecture by Equipo Olivares

Photography by José Ramón Oller

Indótica announces delay of Light + Building to September 2020

Indótica announces delay of Light + Building to September 2020

Light + Building, the world’s leading trade fair for lighting technology and building automation, will take place in Frankfurt am Main from 27 September to 2 October 2020.

Indótica works for the design and technological advice in architectural lighting, both indoor and outdoor, and we provide technical solutions to the requirements of architectural studios in the field of lighting, making high-end luminaires at more than reasonable prices and under the specifications of architectural studios.

We look forward to doing our bit at the fair and to discovering new horizons in the field of lighting, electrical engineering and, of course, building and home automation.

Indótica reports a delay of Light + Building to September 2020, according to the organisers, the reason for the delay is “to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus and not to endanger the health of exhibitors and visitors”. We are involved in supporting this decision and, in the same way, we can only give words of support and encouragement to all those affected by this new virus. “Hope is the pillar that supports the world. Hope is the dream of an awakened man.”-Pliny the Elder.

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