KNX Inmotics in Tenerife, Centro Multifuncional San Isidro Espacio Cívico SIEC

KNX Inmotics in Tenerife, Centro Multifuncional San Isidro Espacio Cívico SIEC.

The Civic Center is a public building located in the heart of the town of San Isidro which houses various services for citizens. Among others, there is the SAC citizen service center, an auditorium for holding events, premises for social purposes and a large number of classrooms for training courses of all kinds.

The Civic Center has an installation that automatically controls the lighting system.

For this purpose, presence detectors are strategically placed throughout the building. These detectors are responsible for turning on the lights depending on the presence in the building. Where necessary, these detectors have built-in luminance detectors that allow the light to be regulated so that the sum of natural light plus artificial light is always within the margins established by the applicable regulations. To achieve these lighting levels, a PLC has been installed that performs the calculations in real time and allows the system to adapt according to the needs in a smooth and imperceptible way for the human eye, thus avoiding unwanted stroboscopic effects. In the same way and with the sum of the two aforementioned functionalities, a considerable energy saving is achieved, which brings the building closer to meeting the standards pursued by Smart buildings.

As the entire installation is made using the KNX standard, the configuration according to the needs is total. For this purpose, a WEB server is available, which can be accessed from a browser or from any mobile device.

The building also has an access control system that allows security to control all accesses to the different areas as well as the schedules at which they are carried out.

The entire lighting system is controlled by the dali control protocol.


Granadilla de Abona, Tenerife

Installations Completed

  • Lighting control
  • Scene control
  • Web control
  • Access Control